J.B. Saunders Company provides new and surplus electronic parts, cables, connectors, tools, audio/video products and test equipment for industry, research, academia and hobbyists. We stock thousands of items and many more are available by special order. Please see our “Products” page for a list of the manufacturers we represent and a look at some of our featured items.

In addition to new products, J.B. Saunders Company promotes recycling by purchasing excess inventories and providing tested and refurbished parts and equipment at a substantial savings.

Our entire inventory is available for purchase at our Boulder, Colorado store, or we will ship your order anywhere in the continental United States. Shipping outside the U.S. is available subject to applicable U.S. and local laws. Please call, fax or email us for more details and a quote.

We are open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday thru Friday and 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Saturdays.

Special Summer Hours: For the months of July and August only we will open at 11:00 AM instead of 9:00 AM on Mondays. All other hours will stay the same. We will return to our regular Monday hours on September 13, 2010 (We will be closed Monday September 6 in observance of Labor Day.)

We are located at 4700 Sterling Drive, Boulder, CO 80301.

Sterling Drive is accessed from 47th Street (one block east of Foothills Parkway) between Pearl and Valmont. J.B. Saunders is located on the southeast corner of Sterling Drive and 47th Street.