We live in a world full of electronic gadgets and devices. They may be small and slimline, but they are still fired by an electric current. Batteries are big business too, with new lithium batteries transforming industries left, right and centre. The electrical engineer, the computer engineer and designers are in the spotlight, as we salivate over the new IPhone 7 or Galaxy S7. Funny that Apple and Samsung seem to be keeping pace with each other in the model number stakes. Having the latest model seems to be the main aspiration that many adults and children have in their lives right now.
Current Trends Firing Devices
We are all plug mad, plugging our devices into sockets in walls, cars and anywhere else that will accept our pronged friends. You see people walking down the street whilst simultaneously staring into a small screen held in their hands. An alien visiting our cities would think these people bewitched by these glowing objects and that their souls had been captured by them. The alien might consider that these humans are being controlled by machines or by one super power beaming images and messages to them constantly. The alien would be right.
Strangely, few of us question the thrall that these devices have us all in. We are still herd animals, being electronically herded in particular directions by disembodied voices. Flickering pixels and bytes of data are our new bread and butter, our new meat and potatoes. They feature largely on our menus and we pay unquestioningly for the pleasure. Who are the masters then? The makers of these machines. They are technicians in the pay of moguls or by boards of corporate directors. Are these so called captains of commerce and industry our masters? Do they pull the strings to our puppet like existences?
Or, is it an unconscious trend, invisible memes that inhabit our brain waves and which cause our fascination with screens of every size and dimension. With the buzz of electricity and the batteries that store this charge. We are spell bound by images of ourselves on screens. Facebooks and blogs, Twitterverses and Instagrams, Googlespheres and whatever is the next digital megatrend. Current trends firing devices are dependent upon the body electric; and the matrix is powered by positive and negative forces surging through wires and synapses. Electricity and electrical inventions fascinate our brethren. To hold that mobile or cell phone in your hand and gaze into its welcoming screen is our benediction and our prayer.